I did BSc and MSc in applied mathematics at K. N. Toosi University of Technology in Tehran, Iran and my Ph.D. study at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Budapest, Hungary. My background includes fourteen years of professional research and teaching experience, including as a Ph.D. candidate at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and a lecturer at Islamic Azad University, one of the top and most well-known private universities in Iran. In Iran, I wrote two books on calculus and ordinary differential equations eventuating based on my teaching experiences.
Besides my studies in my P.h.D program, I participated as a researcher in the Thematic Excellence Program (TKP), a project funded by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office in Hungary and created by BME. Also, I collaborated with some Canadian mathematicians from the Fields Institute (MfPH) in Canada. I am a Mathematical Modeling and Applications journal reviewer. I have several publications in peer-review high-ranking journals. I attended different international conferences across Europe.
My field of research is ordinary and partial differential equations and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.