Dr. Tedi Ramaj

Postdoctoral Fellow


I obtained my BSc in mathematics with a minor in biology from McGill University in 2017 and my PhD in Applied Mathematics from Western University in 2022, under the supervision of Professor Xingfu Zou. My PhD research was in mathematical biology and nonlinear dynamical systems. My research is primarily focused on differential equation (i.e., ODE, PDE, etc) modelling of biological phenomena and computational modelling & simulations. I have also worked in the area of epidemiological modelling. I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at LIAM under the supervision of Professor Jianhong Wu, working on infectious disease modelling and simulations.

Research Interests :
Mathematical biology, Nonlinear dynamical systems, Differential equations (ODEs, PDEs, DDEs, etc.), Infectious disease modelling, Computational modelling and simulations, Mathematical ecology