Nicola Luigi Bragazzi got his MD in general medicine and surgery from Genoa University (Genoa, Italy) in 2011, his PhD in biophysics from Marburg University (Marburg, Germany) in 2014 and his specialization in Public Health from Genoa University (Genoa, Italy) in 2017. He is a member of the Cochrane Association (Cochrane Reviewer) for the Cochrane Epilepsy Group. He has been awarded Young Knight of the Italian Republic by the President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi in 2005. Recently, in 2019, he has been nominated as one of the top five biomedical researchers worldwide aged less than 40 years in terms of number of publications, articles in Q1 biomedical journals, total impact factor and h-index. He is currently working on infectious disease and vaccination modelling and big data mining in biomedicine at York University.
Research Interests :modelling and predicting infectious disorders and impact of vaccination, evidence-based medicine (systematic reviews and meta-analysis) and big data mining, with an emphasis on big data in immunology.