News Release

Postdoc Position in Mathematical Ecology/Epidemiology at Cornell University

A postdoc position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Renata Ivanek in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences at Cornell University. The successful candidate will lead a project on mathematical modeling of infectious agents that transmit indirectly, through contaminated environments, such as food, water, surfaces and fomites (e.g., avian influenza viruses in […]

New Mathematical Model for Ebola Can Help Save Lives

Ryerson and York University have published a joint research news release about work conducted by LIAM members. Dr. Xi Huo talks about how a new mathematical model may save more lives during an Ebola outbreak. The scientific journal, Treatment-donation-stockpile dynamics in Ebola convalescent blood transfusion therapy, will appear in the March 2016 issue of the […]

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Biology at Ryerson University

(July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 with possible renewal) Applications are invited for one postdoctoral fellow in Mathematical Biology in the Department of Mathematics at Ryerson University ( The research will be led jointly by Drs. Kunquan Lan (Ryerson University) and Jianhong Wu (York University). Candidates should have experience and interest in research in […]

CAIMS Distinguished Lecture in Mathematical Biology at LIAM by Dr. Laurent Pujo-Manjouet

1 Sep 2015: Dr. Laurent Pujo-Manjouet, a recognized active researcher in mathematical biology, visited LIAM and presented a Distinguished Lecture on Mad Cow Disease and how collaborations between biologists and mathematics lead to a new discovery about prion formation. Links to the video recordings of Dr. Pujo-Manjouet's talk is provided: Part one Part two