A postdoc position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Renata Ivanek in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences at Cornell University. The successful candidate will lead a project on mathematical modeling of infectious agents that transmit indirectly, through contaminated environments, such as food, water, surfaces and fomites (e.g., avian influenza viruses in […]
News Release
Canada needs to revamp its vaccine policy, says expert panel
Cantech Letter published an article indicating that Canada needs to revamp its vaccine policy following the recent publication of a research paper, Economic Evaulation of Vaccines in Canada: A Systematic Review, in Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics.
New Mathematical Model for Ebola Can Help Save Lives
Ryerson and York University have published a joint research news release about work conducted by LIAM members. Dr. Xi Huo talks about how a new mathematical model may save more lives during an Ebola outbreak. The scientific journal, Treatment-donation-stockpile dynamics in Ebola convalescent blood transfusion therapy, will appear in the March 2016 issue of the […]
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Biology at Ryerson University
(July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 with possible renewal) Applications are invited for one postdoctoral fellow in Mathematical Biology in the Department of Mathematics at Ryerson University (http://math.ryerson.ca/). The research will be led jointly by Drs. Kunquan Lan (Ryerson University) and Jianhong Wu (York University). Candidates should have experience and interest in research in […]
PhD position in Modeling Genetic Load in Social Insects
We are looking for a PhD student that will work closely with Dr. Amro Zayed and Dr. Jianhong Wu at York University’s Center for Disease Modeling to develop theory and models for understanding the genetic load in social insects. This will build upon some of our earlier work, see Zayed and Packer, 2005, PNAS 102:10742-10746. […]
CAIMS Distinguished Lecture in Mathematical Biology at LIAM by Dr. Laurent Pujo-Manjouet
1 Sep 2015: Dr. Laurent Pujo-Manjouet, a recognized active researcher in mathematical biology, visited LIAM and presented a Distinguished Lecture on Mad Cow Disease and how collaborations between biologists and mathematics lead to a new discovery about prion formation. Links to the video recordings of Dr. Pujo-Manjouet's talk is provided: Part one Part two