Lindsey Falk completed her undergraduate degree in biology at Queen’s University where she studied plant ecology and evolution. She is currently a second year Master of Public Health (epidemiology) student at the University of Toronto, Dalla Lana School of Public Health. Lindsey is involved with several initiatives including the Ebola Working Group, an occupational health project in Gujarat, India, and an economic evaluation of paediatric fracture pathways. At her most recent position, with the Public Health Agency of Canada, she developed a risk assessment model, predicting listeriosis risk among vulnerable Canadian subpopulations. She has a strong interest in mathematical epidemiology and at the York University Centre for Disease Modelling, she will assist with modelling and project development for the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at the University Health Network.
Research Interests :Infectious disease epidemiology; Mathematical epidemiology; Risk assessment

Lirui Feng received his Ph.D degree in Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China in 2017. Now, he is working as a post-doctor at York University. Therefore, I would like to use an ancient Chinese poem line to express my aspirations: “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”.
Research Interests :Differential equations and Dynamical systems; Mathematical Biology.
Eduardo Hernández received his master degree in mathematics from the Santiago University, Chile, and his doctoral degree in mathematics from Unicamp, Brasil. He is a tenured professor at the São Paulo University (USP) since 2011. Dr Hernándea is the author of over 80 research papers, supervisor of 5 doctoral thesis, and the Chief Editor in the Malaya Journal of Matematik and Editor of Advances in Difference Equations, Differential Equations and Applications (DEA), Journal of Abstract Differential Equations and Applications, and International Journal of Mathematics and Computation.
Research Interests :Functional differential equations; Abstract differential equarions; Neutral equations; Impulsive differential equations

Xi Huo got her PhD in mathematics from Vanderbilt University in 2014. She was a postdoctoral research fellow jointly supported by Ryerson and York University from 2014 to 2016, and she is currently a postdoctoral fellow of LIAM.
Research Interests :infectious disease, antimicrobial infection, passive immune therapy, dynamical systems, structured population models.

Dr. Xiaodi Li was born in the Shandong province of China. He received his BSc (2005) and MSc (2008) from Shandong Normal University (Jinan, China) and his PhD from Xiamen University (Xiamen, China) in 2011. The focus of his degrees were in applied mathematics. He is currently a professor in Department of Mathematics at Shandong Normal University. He has authored or co-authored more than 60 research papers. He is the academic editor for the International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics (SG), Applications and Applied Mathematics (USA), and the British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science (UK).
Research Interests :Stability theory, delay differential equations, hybrid systems, and artificial neural networks.

Dr. Yongfeng Li is now an associate professor in Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China. Her research interest includes population ecology, epidemic dynamics, mathematical biology, differential equations and dynamical systems.
Research Interests :Biomathematics; Differential equations; Dynamical systems

Dr. Yicheng Liu is an associate professor of Mathematics in National University of Defense Technology. He received his PhD in Mathematics from NUDT in 2008. He was/is the PI of two grants funded by NSFC. Current work covers delayed multi-agent system, nonlinear analysis and mathematical modeling.
Research Interests :Delayed multi-agent system; PDE; Nonlinear analysis; Machine learning; Mathematical modeling; Fixed point theorem, etc.

Dr. Michelle Pierri graduated in Mathematics from the Universidade de São Paulo – São Carlos (2000-2003), master’s degree in mathematics from the Universidade de São Paulo – São Carlos (2004-2006) and doctorate in mathematics from the Universidade de São Paulo – São Carlos (2006 -2009). Shee has experience in the area of Mathematics, with emphasis on functional analysis and differential equations. Currently she is a professor in the Departamento de Computação e Matemática da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto – Universidade de São Paulo – Ribeirão Preto.
Research Interests :Functional differentiate equations; Almost periodic functions; S-asymptotically almost periodic functions

Prof. Sanyi Tang is interested in the nonlinear dynamic systems arising in biology, agriculture and life sciences. Of particular research interest is at the interface of Mathematical biology. In recent years, he has published more than 80 papers in top international journals of Applied Math. and Biol. Math.. He was/is the PI of three grants funded by NSFC and one grand funded by HIH-HSFC. He has many years of experience in developing hybrid differential equation models and analytical methods for integrated pest management research, emerging infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS research, and he was involved in the interdisciplinary program for cellular regulation about four years in the University of Warwick, UK. He also joined the modeling sub-project of the National Mega-project of Science and mainly focused on analyzing the surveillance data and developing computation methods. He is directing the Division of Applied Mathematics to perform bio-mathematical modeling in infectious diseases and population dynamics.
Research Interests :Biomathematics and biostatistics

Xiaodan is a PhD student of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Sep 2012 to Jul 2016) and spent one year (Sep 2014 to Sep 2015) in York University as a visiting PhD student. My research is mainly concerned with deterministic/stochastic models for the spread of infectious disease, i.e. HIV, H7N9, Ebola etc. Meanwhile, I also study the effect of virus dynamics based on individual level on the macroscopical epidemic of infectious disease.
Research Interests :Deterministic models for the spread of infectious diseases, and the effects of stochastic factor, spatial heterogeneity and time delay on the spread of infectious diseases.

Dr. Shaoli Wang received his PhD degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2012. He is currently a lecturer in School of Mathematics and Statistics at Henan University. He spent one-half year at the University of Alberta as a visiting student from January to July 2012.
Research Interests :Viral dynamics; Sociophysics

Xiao Wang is a professor of National University of Defense Technology. He received his B.Sc. in Mathematics from Henan Normal University in 2002, and his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from National University of Defense Technology in 2007. Since 2007, he has been working at the National University of Defense Technology. He visited University of New Brunswick from Sep. 2008 to Dec. 2008 and University of Wyoming from July 2011 to Sep. 2011 as a visiting scholar. From Dce. 2014 to Dec. 2015, he visited LIAM.
Research Interests :Applied dynamical systems (ODEs and FDEs); Self-organization dynamical systems (flocking dynamics and opinion dynamics)

Dr. Yanni Xiao is a professor of Applied Mathematical in Xi’an Jiaotong University. She got New-Century Training Programme Foundation for the Talents by the State Education Commission in 2008. She was/is the PI of three grants funded by NSFC and one the State Key Program of NSFC. She has many years of experience in collaborating with experts from China CDC and led sub-project on modelling on HIV/AIDS field in the Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Eleventh Five and Twelfth Five-year Plan Period.
Research Interests :Mathematical models in population biology, epidemiology and public heath; Theory of non-smooth dynamic system and its applications; Optimal intervention in disease control (HIV/AIDS, influenza and MRSA/MRAB)

Research Interests :
Distributed computation, data mining, and information retrieval.

Yawen Xu received her PhD in Statistics from York University in 2015. She is currently working on Health Risk Assessment for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management project at York University and Manifold Data Mining Inc.
Research Interests :Statistical modelling; Data integration; Data clustering and model selection.

Dr. Yali Yang received her PhD in 2011 in Applied Mathematics from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. In Nov 2014, she was invited by Dr. Jianhong Wu to visit the Laboratory for Industrial and Applied Mathematics at York University as a Postdoctoral Fellow Visiting Scientist for a period of twelve months.
Research Interests :Mathematical biology, differential equations and its applications to biosciences, and tuberculosis and its epidemic model.

Dr. Xue Zhang was born in Shenyang, China. She obtained her PhD from Northeastern University of China. She was a visiting scholar at Laboratory for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in York U, Canada (2014-2015). She is currently a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Northeastern University.
Research Interests :Delay differential equations; Bifurcation analysis; Optimal control

Dr. Zhao Zhong is an Associate Professor of Huanghuai University who engages in biomathematics, biostatistics, differential equations and dynamical systems and impulsive semidynamics. In recent years, he has publish 36 papers in journals such as Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, and Journal of Theoretical Biology. In addition, he is undertaking two research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
Research Interests :Biomathematics, impulsive dynamics and biostatistics

Francesca Scarabel got her PhD in Mathematics in 2018 from the University of Helsinki, under the supervision of Mats Gyllenberg and co-supervision of Rossana Vermiglio and Odo Diekmann. After being research assistant at Szeged University in January-February 2019, she is currently a postdoctoral researcher at LIAM. Her research focuses mainly on numerical methods for the bifurcation analysis of delay equations for structured population models.
Research Interests :Delay equations, Structured population models, Numerical bifurcation analysis, Pseudospectral discretization methods

Haijiang Dai got his MD in clinical medicine from Central South University in 2017. He is currently working on Health Risk Assessment for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management project at York University.
Research Interests :Improving chronic disease care using predictive modeling and data mining.

Kiyeon KIM got his D.V.M. and M.S. from Seoul National University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree of Veterinary medicine from Hokkaido University, Japan in 2016 under the supervision of Prof. Kimihito Ito and he was a postdoctoral research fellow in the same laboratory for one year. Currently, he is a visiting scholar at York University.
Research Interests :Combining nucleotide sequence information and epidemiological modeling to estimate epidemiological parameter, especially using Influenza A virus.

Lisha Lin is a PhD candidate of Applied Mathematics in Hunan University. She is now a visiting PhD student in York University with a period of one year since Jan. 2018.
Research Interests :Option pricing, Bayesian methods, Stochastic differential equations and stochastic delay differential equations in derivative pricing.

Dr. Ashrafur Rahman completed his Bachelors of Science in Mathematics from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2000, a Masters of Science in Pure Mathematics from University of Dhaka in 2002, and a second Masters of Science and PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Western Ontario in 2010 and 2015, respectively.
Research Interests :Food-borne pathogen modeling.

Zilong was born in China. He received his PhD in Applied Mathematics at City University of Hong Kong in 2013, under the supervision of Prof. Hui-Hui Dai. After graduating, he worked as a postdoc with Prof. Roderick Wong and Prof. Hui-Hui Dai. Since 2016, he has been working with Prof. Huaxiong Huang, Prof. Jianhong Wu, and the team of LIAM at York University. He has been teaching undergraduate courses at York University.
Research Interests :Disease modeling, asymptotic analysis of system for ion transport, phase transition of shape memory alloys, plate and shell theory.

Xu Zhang obtained her PhD degree of Science from Southwest University in China in 2011. Now, she works as an associate professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Southwest University. Currently, she is a visiting scientist in York University.
Research Interests :Mathematical modelling, epidemiology dynamics and data mining.

Fulian Yin obtained her PhD degree in Communication and Information System from Harbin Engineering University in China in 2010. Now, she works as an associate professor in the School of Information Engineering, Communication University of China. Currently, she is a visiting professor at York University.
Research Interests :Data analysis and data mining on film & television and public opinion. yinfulian0502@gmail.com

Xiaofeng Su is a PhD candidate of Applied Mathematics in East China Normal University. She is now a visiting PhD student in York University with a period of one year since Sep. 2018.
Research Interests :Theory and application of functional differential equations, Infinite dimensional dynamical systems and infinite dimensional control, Linear operator semigroup theory and its application, Dynamical systems and Stabilization theory.

Xueyan Yang is currently a Master candidate of Operational Research and Cybernetics in Shandong Normal University. She is now a visiting Master candidate in York University with a period of three months since Dec. 2018.
Research Interests :Theory and application of functional differential equations, Infinite dimensional dynamical systems and infinite dimensional control, Linear operator semigroup theory and its application, Dynamical systems and Stabilization theory.

Xinli Hu got her PhD degree from Xi'an Jiaotong University. She now works as an associate professor in School of Science, Xi'an Polytechnic University. Currently, she is a visiting scholar at York University for one year.
Research Interests :Mathematical biology, Epidemic models.

Fabian has just graduated from the University of Western Ontario studying Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences. He is starting his Masters this fall at the University of Toronto (Institute of Medical Sciences).
Research Interests :Immunology, Oncology, Genetics.

Dr. Wenjie Qin is a lecturer in China Three Gorges University, he got his Ph.D in mathematics from Shannxi Normal University in 2015, and he is currently a visiting scholar of LIAM.
Research Interests :Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology.

Yong Yang graduated from Zhenzhou University in China with a Bachelor of Information Management. He went on to complete his Master of Science, supervised by Dr. Jianhong Wu, at York University. Now he continues to pursue a PhD specializing in big data with Dr. Jianhong Wu at York University.
Research Interests :Developing computational methods for data mining, machine learning, and social computing; Designing efficient algorithms to enable effective problem solving.

Qian Li is a PhD candidate of Applied Mathematics in Xi’an Jiaotong University. She is now a visiting PhD student in York University and Fields Institute with a period of two years since Aug. 2018.
Research Interests :Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases and tumor therapy.

Biao Tang got his PhD degree in 2017 from Xi’an Jiaotong University. During his PhD study time, he has visited Fields Institute, University of Toronto and York University as a jointed student for two years since September, 2015. He worked as a jointed Postdoctoral Fellow of University of Toronto (supervised by Prof. Beate Sander) and York University (supervised by Prof. Jianhong Wu).
Research Interests :Hybrid dynamical systems in HIV and cancer therapy; Epidemic models of dengue and Zika. btang66@yorku.ca

Dr. Safia Athar completed her Bachelor of Science (Maths and Physics as majors) from University of Punjab, Pakistan. She did her first Masters in Mathematics from the University of Punjab in 1995. Her second masters in Mathematics was from the University of Guelph in 2014. She completed her Ph.D. from the University of Guelph in 2017.
Research Interests :Game theory, Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, the study of Generalized Nash games and their solutions using the Projected dynamical system sathar18@yorku.ca

Denis Fernandes is a PhD candidate in Mathematics at University of São Paulo, Brazil. He is currently a visiting PhD student at York University.
Research Interests :Denis Fernandes is a PhD candidate in Mathematics at University of São Paulo, Brazil. He is currently a visiting PhD student at York University.

Kyeongah Nah obtained her PhD degree of Mathematics and computer sciences from Szeged University in Hungary in 2015 under the supervision of Prof. Gergely Röst. From 2015-2017, she was a postdoctoral research fellow in the laboratory Prof. Hiroshi Nishiura in University of Tokyo and Hokkaido University in Japan. At LIAM, she is currently working on the project entitled "Tick-borne encephalitis with changes in climate, habitation and recreational activities".
Research Interests :Theoretical biology. (Examples of her studies include: Evolutionary modeling of pathogen adaptation to seasonal forcing, Statistical modeling of disease importation risk using airline network data, Malaria dynamics in temperate regions with long-term latent period).

Andrew is a second year student at York University, and is working towards a Bachelor of Arts, Specialized Honors Degree in Actuarial Science. He is expected to complete his degree in 2023, and is currently a Research Assistant, under the supervision of Dr. Jianhong Wu and Dr. Ali Asgary. Andrew is tasked with
conducting COVID19 research to assist graduate students in creating stochastic models in order to assess the efficacy of vaccine rollout, and social distancing protocols implemented in Ontario, Canada.

Ali is a second year student attending Queens University, and is working towards a Bachelor of Computer science, Specialized Honors Degree in Software Design. He is expected to earn his undergraduate degree in 2024, and is currently a Research Assistant under the supervision of Dr. Jianhong Wu and Dr. Ali Asgary. Ali is tasked with conducting COVID19 research to assist the ADERSIM team with the modelling, discovery, and calculation of financial/economical provincial data, and social contact matrices.
Research Interests :

Callista Wu is an undergraduate student from the University of Waterloo and is in the Mathematics/Financial Analysis & Risk Management (FARM) program. She is working with the supervision of Dr. Asgary and Dr. Wu to develop mathematical modelling and analyses and a dashboard to project the COVID-19 epidemic trend and its impact on the economic growth and financial risk during the recovery phase for all the 34 public health units in Ontario.
Research Interests :

Dr. Kazi Rahman received his PhD in Mathematics from University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada in 2015. He is working as a Post-doctoral Fellow and Instructor at York University, Toronto, Canada.
Research Interests :Mathematical Biolology (Computational Biomathematics); Mathematical modeling of biological systems (modelling, analysis, and simulation); Application of differential equations (ODEs, PDEs, SDEs) in Life Science, Financial Mathematics; Epidemiological modeling (Diseases, STDs etc.); Agent-based modelling.

I originally trained as an infection biologist but as my career has progressed, I have increasingly become a mathematical modeler. Education & Previous experience:
• BSc Tropical Disease Biology between University of Liverpool and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. (2009)
• MRes Advanced Biological Sciences (Host: Parasite Biology) at the University of Liverpool, funded by the John Lennon Memorial Scholarship. (2011)
• My PhD was at the University of Exeter (Cornwall Campus) under the supervision of Mike Boots. This looked at asymptomatic infections and vertical transmission in a moth virus microcosm and dengue fever. (2016)
• I did a postdoc between the University of Wisconsin (Madison) and USGS National Wildlife Health Center on agent-based modelling of plague in prairie dogs. (2017-2018)
• I was a Senior Mathematical Modeler at Public Health England (Porton Down). In the first year of this I researched antimicrobial resistance, then COVID-19 emerged and I moved to researching that. (2019-2021)
• Martin has complete his postdoc at York University, modelling COVID-19 at mass gathering events under the supervision of Prof Jianhong Wu. (2021-Current).
My interests lie in using mathematical models to understand the ecology/epidemiology of infectious diseases and developing tools used in this field.

Dr. Jummy David received her PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of British Columbia, Canada in 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Fred Brauer. She has completed her Postdoctoral research at LIAM at York University under the mentorship of Prof. Jianhong Wu.
Research Interests :Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases, Applied Mathematics.

Marco completed his Bachelor of Science in pure mathematics (algebraic field) and then decided to switch to Applied Mathematics during his master.
Both the bachelor and the master were completed at the University of Trento, Italy.
The final thesis had the goal of trying to model West Nile Virus in the region of Emilia Romagna, Italy, taking into consideration the possibility of a feeding preference shift in mosquitoes.
Marco has completo his PhD at York University under the supervision of Prof. Jianhong Wu in 2022.
Research Interests :Mathematical Modelling, Vector-borne Disease, West Nile Virus.

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Mathematics and Physics, from York University in 2012. Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics and Graduate Diploma in Financial Engineering from York University and Schulich School of Business respectively, in 2015. He has complete his PhD with research on neural networks and deep learning with applications to medicine, stock markets and sports analytics.
Research Interests :

Mahnaz Alavinejad completed her Bachelor of science in pure mathematics, Master of science in functional analysis and mathematical biology in 2011 and 2016, respectively.
Research Interests :Delay differential equations, mathematical modelling.
Pengfei Song received his PhD degree in Mathematics from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China in 2020 (supervised by Prof. Yanni Xiao). During his PhD, he has visited the Ohio State University as a visiting scholar student for two years since September, 2017 (supervised by Prof. Yuan Lou). He is now working as a Postdoctoral Fellow of York University (supervised by Prof. Jianhong Wu).
Research Interests :The effect of spatial and temporal heterogeneity on the spread of infectious disease.

Shuangshuang Yin is a PhD candidate of Xian Jiaotong University. She is now a visiting PhD student in York University since May. 2021. Her major is Applied Mathematics.
Research Interests :The basic reproduction number of reaction diffusion systems with spatial and temporal heterogeneity, the properties of the basic reproduction number, the final epidemic size of reaction diffusion epidemic models.

Jemisa completed her B.Sc. in mathematics with a minor biology in 2014 and she was a PhD candidate in mathematics and statistics at York University. During her M.A. studies, she worked on a survey paper that involved the spread of the HIV virus inside an organism. She also studied Lyme disease and its spread inside an organism. Jemisa presented two seminars: (1) tick populations in wide geographical areas and the impact of climate change on the population, and (2) different mathematical models that predicted the biological effect on how and why the elimination of Borrelia burgdoferi is almost impossible. Dr. Jemisa completed her PhD in 2020.
Research Interests :Lyme disease and the bacterial spread inside the host.